Announcing availability of BRUIT╞SAM¬ Version 1.0.1
What is BRUIT╞SAM¬
In 1986, Sidney L. Smith and Jane N Mosier from MITRE Corporation completed a report for the United States Air Force entitled ╥Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software╙. It was a large document detailing 944 individual guidelines for the design of computer based user interface software.
BRUIT╞SAM¬ is a HyperCard stack that allows the user to browse through theses guidelines and offers a sophisticated process for the management of ╥gathering╙ and searching for related guidelines into a separate document for user specific requirements. Related guidelines and Cross References are linked using the hypertext facilities of Hypercard.
How do I get BRUIT╞SAM¬
BRUIT╞SAM¬ is available via anonymous FTP access from ( in the /pub/Mac directory. The file is called ╥bruit-sam-101.sit.hqx╙
You will need BinHex and Stuffit to decode this file.
You can request that the file be emailed to you in multiple parts. They will then need to be joined together and decoded. Send these requests to
For a nominal $A5.00 charge, a high or double density disk version will be posted. Please indicate which format disk you require (the double density disk version will require the file to be unstuffed.)
Send requests for this service to:
Renato Iannella
School of Information & Computing Sciences
Bond University
Gold Coast, QLD, 4229, AUSTRALIA
(make cheques payable to ╘Bond University╒)
BRUIT╞SAM¬ requires HyperCard 2.1 or greater and 1.4MB of hard disk space. The system will also just fit on a High Density Disk.
Renato Iannella (
Bond Research into User Interface Technologies
School of Information & Computing Sciences
Bond University
Gold Coast, QLD, 4229, AUSTRALIA
Guidelines Source:
╥Guidelines for Designing User Interface Software╙
Smith, Sidney L., & Mosier, Jane. N.
MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730, USA
Report: ESD-TR-86-278 MTR-10090
Bond University has no affiliation with MITRE Corporation
BRUIT╞SAM¬ is in the Public Domain, but may not be resold or used in any commercial venture.